Sell a Bike
Have a bike that you don't use, don't have room for or can't take when you move? We will take it off your hands. And the great thing is anyone is eligable to donate a bike, not just Dal/Kings Students but anyone in the HRM!
Bring your bike to the Dal/King's Bike Centre (1 Alumni Street) during our open hours (find our up to date hours on our home page) or send us an email with pictures at bikectr@dal.ca to get an estimate. Based on the quality of the bike you can receive up to 100$ compensation. Any spare parts won’t receive compensation by will gladly be accepted as donation.
It will feel good to know your bike is going to a student in need.
Buy a Bike
Our goal at the Dal/King’s Bike Centre is to limit barriers such as cost and accessibility, by selling affordable bikes right on campus. We take donated bikes, refurbish them, then sell them to students. When students no longer want the bike they can donate it back to the program for another lucky student, hence the Cycle 🛞 continues….
Due of limited supply, students with the following characteristics are encouraged to email to be given priority:
- Long daily commute distances
- Financial need
- Great use of loan program, services and attendence at events
Land Acknowledgement
Dalhousie University and the Bike Centre is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. We are all Treaty people